Child Exploitation

Despite the best efforts and intentions of so many to try and prevent it, child exploitation and abuse is still a scourge of human behaviour across the planet. It is estimated 1 out of every 2 children aged between 2 to 17 have experienced some form of severe abuse (emotional, or physical or sexual) in the past year. In one sense, it seems our present societies are designed and primed to inflict “trauma” upon huge numbers of children. Until we acknowledge the truth of this evil, nothing can or will change.

Key Facts

  • 1 in 2 of all children aged 2-17 physically, sexually or emotionally abused in past yr;
  • 1 in 4 of all children still forced to work, predominantely in Africa and Asia;
  • 1 in 20 of all children worldwide (100m+) are homeless and living in the streets;
  • Of the 40m trafficking victims per yr 1 out of every 3 is a child;
  • 80% of all trafficking victims trafficked for sexual purposes;
  • Human trafficking $150 billion year industry with 66% coming from commercial sexual exploitation.


Key Actions